Services Provided:
Account inquiries (help with letters, notices and levies on your wages or bank account), Adjustments (changes to tax account information or payments), Alien clearances (Sailing Permits), Assistance with Affordable Care Act tax provision questions for individuals,
Basic tax law assistance January 1 - April 15 (answers related to your individual Federal Tax Return),
Form 911, Request for Taxpayer Advocate Service Assistance,
Help with Form 2290, Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax Return (tax law & submission of tax return),
Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers and Form W-7 (More Information),
Multilingual assistance (over 150 languages translated),
Payment arrangements,
Payments (check or money order only),
Procedural inquiries,
Solutions to tax issues,
Tax forms (based on availability)
Note: Hilo office is closed for lunch from 12:30-1:30.