Services offered: support services provided primarily in-home to enable family to care for terminally ill person. Nursing case management; social work; counseling; physical care; pain control; emotional, psychological, spiritual support. Bereavement support services & community counseling.
To be eligible for hospice services a patient should:
- Understand that they have a life-limiting illness that has no cure
- Desire to make the most of their time and focus on quality of life
- Have a family member, relative or friend agree to be the primary caregiver in the home
- Agree medical treatment will focus on palliative or comfort care to reduce pain and manage symptoms, rather than on treatment to cure the illness
- Have a physician who will follow hospice guidelines and work with hospice staff
- Live in North Kohala, South Kohala or the Hamakua District on the Island of Hawaii
Info/certificates needed when applying: none. Medicare or health insurance policy numbers would be helpful.