Hawai’i County Office of Aging
The Hawaii County Office of Aging (HCOA) is home to information and services for residents age 60 years and older, persons with disabilities, and their caregivers.
The HCOA staff are experts on aging and disability service delivery, please contact us.
ADRC Statewide: (808) 643-2372
Hilo: (808) 961-8626
Kona: (808) 323-4392

About Hawai’i County Office of Aging & Contact Information
The Hawai’i County Office of Aging (HCOA) was established in 1966 and serves to represent the County of Hawai’i in the planning, coordination, advocacy, and administration of programs for older persons in the county. The office is a designated Area Agency on Aging, enabling the county to receive federal funds through the Older Americans Act of 1965.
The Hawai’i County Office of Aging provides services to the entire island of Hawai’i. HCOA’s focus is to provide information and resources to individuals to help them “age in place”.
Hawaii County
Kahi Malama – A Place of Caring
Aging & Disability Resource Center
1055 Kinoole Street
Hilo, Hawaii 96720
Long Term Care Ombudsman Program
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